1-IMW – Implementation Workbook Phases

The Implementation Workbook gives you a hand out how to form and shape your ERP Implementation as a project. In 12 steps or phases it shows you phase by phase how to roll out your implementation as a project. The steps or phases must be seen as a step wise approach of your project in sequential order.

Phase 1 Objectives & Goals

Phase 2 Project Overview

Phase 3 Team Definitions & Contacts

Phase 4 Team Meeting Notes

Phase 5 Current Business Processes (Before implementation of new ERP system)

Phase 6 Training Key Resources

Phase 7 Configuration Data Definitions

Phase 8 Static Data Definitions

Phase 9 Revised Business Processes (including new ERP system)

Phase10 Open Issues & Report Change Requests

Phase11 Company Glossary

Phase12 Gantt Chart