Changes in automation

Digital technology developments have not stood still either. As early as 1975, Intel CEO Gordon Moore wrote an article about the development of the number of transistors on computer circuit boards that has been published as Moore’s Law[1], which is the observation that the number of transistors on an integrated computer circuit board doubles every two years. This is due to the simple fact that transistors, circuits and chips on a computer circuit board are getting smaller and smaller, and buyers of circuit boards are demanding more and more functions on an ever-smaller circuit board surface.

Consider the development that have taken place since 1975; the computers used when sending people to the moon in the 1960s could only do a fraction of what computers (or your smart phone) can do today and that development will continue in the same way for the time being.

Storage capacity has become much larger (and cheaper) and with advanced databases and database tools we can now do much more, at a lower cost and with faster computers. This in turn put pressure on software development and developers as the market becomes less and less willing to continue to pay high rates for software development for those computers.
